Have you been charged with a criminal offence or are you worried about being charged with a criminal offence?
Have you been contacted by the Police? Do you need legal representation or advice?
If you have been contacted by the Police or a prosecuting body, you may be feeling overwhelmed, scared or stressed. Being charged with a criminal offence and trying to navigate your way through the court process can be an intimidating process.
It is essential that you are aware of your rights at law and any defences that may be available to you.
Common questions
Some common questions that you may have are:
Do I have to speak to the police?
What do I say to the police?
Can the police access my phone?
What is bail?
Can I get bail?
What do my charges mean?
I have a court hearing, what does that mean?
Do I have to attend?
What are my options? Should I plead guilty or not guilty?
If I do plead guilty, what will my sentence be?
If I plead not guilty, what happens next?
Experience matters
Hammond Legal has extensive experience representing clients across a broad range of criminal matters in the Children’s Court, Magistrates Court, District Court and Supreme Court of Western Australia.
We can provide you with the answers to your questions.
Our areas of expertise include:
Bail applications including varying your bail conditions
Drug offences
Home burglary and stealing offences
Sex offences, including possession of child exploitation material
Offences against Public Officers such as police officers
Common assault; Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm and Grievous Bodily Harm
Murder and manslaughter charges
Traffic offences
Applications for Extraordinary Driver’s Licences
Family Violence Restraining Orders
Violence Restraining Orders
Misconduct Restraining Orders
Children’s Court matters
Corruption and Crime Commission examinations
Care and Protection proceedings
Hammond Legal have a team of experienced and skilled solicitors who are devoted to getting you through this difficult time and providing you with the information and direction that you need.