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Are You Entitled to National Redress?

The National Redress Scheme (NRS) was created in response to recommendations by the Royal Commission into Institutionalized Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The NRS recognizes the impact of past institutional child sexual abuse and related abuse.

If you were abused whilst in the care of an institution or if the institution took part in the abuse then you may be able to claim.

The NRS can offer:

  • Counselling;

  • Monetary payment; and/or

  • A personal apology from the institution.

The NRS began on 1 July 2018 and will run for the next 10 years.

You can make application any time between now and 30 June 2027.

Who is eligible for Redress?

In order to apply to the NRS you must fall under the following requirements:

  • You had been abused whilst in the care of an institution or if the institution took part in the abuse.

  • You must be born before 30 June 2010 and must be over the age of 18 before 30 June 2028;

  • The abuse must have occurred before 1 July 2018;

  • You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident;

  • Important note: the Scheme can only help you if the institution responsible for the abuse have joined the scheme.

What institutions participate in NRS?

The main objectives of the NRS includes providing monetary payment for survivors, counselling and psychological support and enabling institutions responsible for the abuse of survivors to participate in the scheme to provide that redress.

To find out which institutions have joined the NRS click here.

Institutions are not forced to join the NRS. If an institution does not participate then it isn’t possible to receive any payment for the abuse you may have suffered under their care.

Examples of institutions include churches, schools, detention centres, hospitals, orphanages, sports clubs, missions or youth centres.

If you were a victim of sexual or physical abuse in Australian institutions, you may be eligible for redress.

Common law claim

Common law claims are commenced in the District Court of Western Australia and comprise a claim for damages.

Payment under the National Redress Scheme is not “common law” damages.

If you are unsure as to whether you should apply for National Redress or a common law claim speak to Hammond Legal.


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