An Extraordinary Driver's License (EDL) is a license which can allow a person disqualified from driving to drive under certain circumstances. This can be granted by the court of WA and is subject to strict conditions.
Grounds on which you may qualify:
You or a family member are unable to get urgent medical treatment;
Driving is a part of your main source of earning income; and
You or a family member have no other practical means of transport (e.g. public transport not readily available).
Grounds on which you won’t qualify:
Demerit point suspension;
Serving period of immediate disqualification;
Serving a fine suspension; and
If an EDL was refused in the last 6 months.
Waiting period
The waiting period depends on many factors including they type of offence you have been convicted of, the number of previous convictions, any term of imprisonment and any period of fine or suspension.
Once your application is filed a hearing date will be set 14 days from the date you file.
If your application if refused, you must wait 6 months before re applying.
EDL’s will have a number of restrictions including the days and hours you are allowed to drive, the purposes (e.g. for work), the locations where you can drive, the vehicle you can drive and the court may also provide a log book for you to complete all times you drive under the EDL.
How to apply for your EDL
An EDL can be applied for by completing an application form and lodging it at the Magistrate’s Court of WA. Once the application is processed a court date will be set for you to make your application in front of a magistrate or judge.
What will the Court consider?
The court will look over a number of factors to determine whether to grant an EDL to you, these include:
Safety to the public for you to be on the roads;
Your character;
The nature of the offence;
The degree of hardship to you if the EDL is not granted; and
Your overall behaviour since you were disqualified.
Forms for Application
Click here to view the form of application to the Court:
Click here to view the pro forma affidavit you will need to complete
EDL’s are not easily awarded. The Court must be satisfied of a large number of factors.
Legal advice and representation is recommended.
Please call Hammond Legal if you need assistance.